📣 Opening postponed
The Dolice T2 fundraising campaign has been postponed due to a delay in the signing of the bank loan that was initially planned. As soon as authorization has been obtained from the bank, ID Energy Group will launch the Dolice T2 fundraising campaign.
Thank you for your patience!
Have you seen the latest news about the Dolice project?
If you have already invested in the first tranche, you may have noticed that the project has evolved.
Since the project is operational and has no construction risk, ID Energy has received long-term financing proposals from banks.
The project promoter is in negotiations with a local bank to finance the projects. This bank requests to modify the conditions of the bond issuance in which you participated.
The changes have been accepted by the decision of the bondholder mass, taken at the general assembly. Here are the new conditions for T1 and T2:
- New, stronger guarantee with the parent company: a Spanish law surety contract from the parent company, ID Energy Group, S.A.
- The debt becomes junior.
- The maximum amount of the issuance is reduced from 5M€ to 3.5M€.
- The interest rate and term remain unchanged, at 8.75% for three years.
Fund a biogas plant in Poland
ID Energy Group, a Spanish group recognized for its experience in various technologies, operating in Europe and South America, launches this new financing round to refinance the committed own funds for the construction of its biogas plant in Dolice.
The project is already in full operation.
You have the opportunity to invest in this biogas plant located in Dolice, in the northwest of Poland, with a capacity of 1 MW.
The total objective of this financing is 3,500,000 euros, and with this second tranche, it is intended to raise 2,372,110 euros. The interest rate offered is 8.75% over 30 months.
Het project
The Dolice plant of ID Energy Group
The Dolice plant, subject of this financing offer, has a capacity of 1 MW. Designed by ID Energy Group, it processes the raw materials necessary for biogas production, known as substrates (agricultural, municipal, industrial or domestic waste), which are purchased under medium-term contracts (5 years). To date, 11 contracts have been signed with local farmers for a minimum of 32,500 tons of corn silage and beet pulp, and other contracts are in the process of being signed.
Important Data
- The Dolice plant is fully operational at the moment.
- The biogas unit provider is a reference actor, Nathec Austria.
- The plant occupies an area of 3.74 hectares in the municipality of Dolice, in northwestern Poland, and its nominal production of injected biogas is 8,760 MWh/year.
Biogas Market Outlook
The financing project refers to a biogas plant located in Dolice, in northwestern Poland, which ranks 4th among European countries in terms of biogas potential and 5th in biomethane production.
In 2020, Poland had 116 biogas plants producing a total of 325 Mm³, out of an estimated production potential of 13.5 Gm³. The creation of a common market for guarantees of origin (GO) at the European level will be fundamental for the development of this technology, demonstrating Europe’s commitment to promoting renewable gas projects.
For your information, the common market for guarantees of origin (GO) will be based on the existing framework of the EU Guarantees of Origin (GO) Trading System, facilitating the cross-border exchange of renewable energy certificates and guaranteeing their validity. This initiative, supported by policies such as the European Green Deal, aims to offer investors a more integrated, stable, and predictable market while promoting the energy transition, although it must overcome challenges of coordination among Member States and traceability.
Below you can see a diagram showing the objectives of the European plan RepowerEU.
- Source: Guidehouse, A Gas for Climate report
Information on Biogas Technology
Methanization is a biological process of decomposing organic matter that produces biogas, while cogeneration is a technology that simultaneously produces heat and electricity from a single energy source. The Dolice plant is a cogeneration facility where biogas is used to produce both electricity and heat. This approach allows meeting the energy needs of homes and businesses while generating valuable by-products such as fertilizers, mainly intended for the industry.
De projecteigenaars
Enfoque en ID Energy, un desarrollador español verticalmente integrado
A solid industrial experience combined with a well-diversified project portfolio
ID Energy is a Spanish developer of renewable energies, vertically integrating all stages of the value chain: development, construction, and operation. With over 16 years of experience, it has established itself as an important player in the renewable energy sector, diversifying its technological competencies and expanding its geographical presence.
Experience and Technological Diversity
ID Energy masters several cutting-edge technologies, including solar, wind, biogas, methanization, and energy storage. It is present in 9 countries, including Italy, Spain, several Eastern European countries, and Chile.
Project Portfolio In 2024, 400 MW of its project portfolio will reach the “Ready to Build” phase. Currently, ID Energy is developing a total capacity of 3.9 GW, with 118 MW under construction or ready to build and 8 MW already in operation.
A Dedicated Team
ID Energy employs over 300 professionals worldwide, all dedicated to the energy transition. Their experience and commitment are crucial for the success and continuous growth of the group.
Biogas at ID Energy
Biogas is a key part of ID Energy’s activities. The project promoter is currently building 2 biogas plants in Poland and is developing more than 20 biomethane plants in Poland and Spain. These installations should generate more than 2,200 GW per year by 2027.
ID Energy: Specialists in Photovoltaic Energy
*Combined industrial experience with a well-diversified project portfolio.
ID Energy is an international business group dedicated to renewable energies and specialized in solar photovoltaic.
The management team has extensive experience in the sector. The company accompanies its clients throughout the process, from identifying opportunities to developing, constructing, and maintaining projects, avoiding risks with a committed, agile, and close-knit workforce.
Founded in 2008, ID Energy has over 15 years of experience as a promoter and EPC service provider, mainly for solar photovoltaic projects. The group has grown steadily, expanding its activities and reaching an international scale.
ID Energy has 5,1 GW of projects under development, diversified in terms of technology (solar, wind, biogas, and storage) and geography (Italy, Spain, Chile, and Eastern Europe), with 400 MW that will reach RTB status in 2023. The company has a solid growth dynamic in the renewable energy sector. It is a vertically integrated company with a solid industrial track record and a history with the best clients. It has strong development capabilities crystallized through an intelligent asset rotation strategy.
The Group's Values
Experience : ID Energy teams are experts in solar photovoltaic, wind, and biogas
Flexibility and Agility : Small in size but with great experience: in the face of changes and challenges, ID Energy moves quickly to find the best solutions. Thanks to being vertically integrated, they provide close project monitoring.
Honesty Transparency, coherence, and sincerity are essential values in their relationships with clients
Innovation : Challenges and difficulties push ID Energy to always surpass itself. The company's ambition is to stand out, which constantly drives it forward.
Onze analyse
Risk overview
Risico dat de tegenpartij in gebreke blijft bij de aankoop van elektriciteit, waardoor de cashflow van het project in gevaar komt
Mitigation methods
El plan de negocio prevé un flujo de caja suficiente para garantizar el reembolso de la deuda necesaria para el proyecto a lo largo de 14 años con un DSCR de 1,52x. Además, el modelo de ingresos es conservador, teniendo en cuenta la tarifa FIP (Contrato de compra del Gobierno polaco) concedida por el Gobierno polaco durante un periodo de 15 años.
Risico van devaluatie van de lokale valuta, wat gevolgen kan hebben voor de inkomsten en het vermogen om schulden af te lossen in gevaar kan brengen.
Mitigation methods
El proyecto está denominado en zloty polaco. Por lo tanto, existe un riesgo relacionado con la volatilidad de la moneda polaca, aunque se ha mantenido relativamente baja en los últimos años.
Kredietrisico met betrekking tot het vermogen van het bedrijf om haar schuldverplichtingen te herfinancieren en na te komen.
Mitigation methods
ID Energy está negociando actualmente deuda senior con socios institucionales locales. Además, el grupo tiene amplia experiencia en la construcción y estructuración financiera de proyectos fotovoltaicos en Polonia, con una oficina polaca dedicada a proyectos locales.
Risico's van regelgeving
Risico op wijzigingen in de regelgeving die van toepassing is op de sector, met inbegrip van verlaging van subsidies of nieuwe belastingen met een aanzienlijk effect op de projectinkomsten
Mitigation methods
Los permisos necesarios para construir las dos unidades fueron auditados por terceros (diligencia debida jurídica y técnica).
Investeren in dit equity crowdfunding project brengt risico’s met zich mee, waaronder het risico van geheel of gedeeltelijk verlies van het geïnvesteerde kapitaal. Je investering wordt niet gedekt door de depositogarantiestelsels die zijn ingesteld in overeenstemming met richtlijn 2014/49/EU van het Europees Parlement en de Raad](https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/NL/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:32014L0049). Je belegging valt ook niet onder de beleggerscompensatiestelsels ingesteld in overeenstemming met Richtlijn 97/9/EG van het Europees Parlement en de Raad. Rendement op je investering is niet gegarandeerd. Dit is geen spaarproduct en we adviseren je om niet meer dan 10% van je nettovermogen te beleggen in crowdfundingprojecten. Het is mogelijk dat je de beleggingsinstrumenten niet kunt verkopen wanneer je wilt. Als je ze wel kunt verkopen, kun je nog steeds verlies lijden.