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Rwakalé- Hydro-elektrische investering

With Enerfip and Hydroneo Group, finance a hydroelectric plant built this year and located in Rwanda!

Bekijk de risico'sKopen
  Collectie compleet

------- Verzameld

€ 1.000.000 Plafond

99% Verzameld

€ 1.000.000 Doel

Bekijk de risico'sKopen
Als ik had geïnvesteerd


Rwakalé - Obligation 7%/jaar over 5 jaren
Simulatie - Tarief: 7% / jaar op 5 ans

Initiële investering :

€ 1.000

Aflossingen en rente :

€ 1.284,73

In 5 termijnen

15-07-2023€ 70€ 86,95€ 156,95
15-07-2024€ 63,91€ 93,03€ 156,94
15-07-2025€ 57,4€ 99,54€ 156,94
15-07-2026€ 50,43€ 106,51€ 156,94
15-07-2027€ 42,99€ 613,97€ 656,96
Totaal€ 284,73€ 1.000€ 1.284,73

De gepresenteerde resultaten zijn geen voorspelling van de toekomstige prestaties van je beleggingen. Het enige doel is om de mechanismen van je belegging gedurende de beleggingsperiode te illustreren. De prestaties van je belegging kunnen afwijken van de getoonde resultaten, zowel naar boven als naar beneden.

  • Financiële titelEenvoudige obligaties 
  • Vaste rente7%/jaar  
  • Lening looptijd5 jaren 
  • BelastingenFrankrijk 
  • Minimale investering€ 10 
  • Opgehaald bedrag€ 991.240 
  • Waarde per eenheid€ 10 
  • Vergoedinghybride
  • Betaling van renteop jaarbasis
  • Rangschikking van aandelenfinancieringSenior
  • Deelnemers1014 eco-savers
Wie zou kunnen investeren?
Van donderdag 02 juni 2022 tot 12h30
  • Investering open voor iedereen
T/m donderdag 30 juni 2022 tot 23h59

Einde collectie

Als ik had geïnvesteerd


Rwakalé - Obligation 7%/jaar over 5 jaren
Simulatie - Tarief: 7% / jaar op 5 ans

Initiële investering :

€ 1.000

Aflossingen en rente :

€ 1.284,73

In 5 termijnen

15-07-2023€ 70€ 86,95€ 156,95
15-07-2024€ 63,91€ 93,03€ 156,94
15-07-2025€ 57,4€ 99,54€ 156,94
15-07-2026€ 50,43€ 106,51€ 156,94
15-07-2027€ 42,99€ 613,97€ 656,96
Totaal€ 284,73€ 1.000€ 1.284,73

De gepresenteerde resultaten zijn geen voorspelling van de toekomstige prestaties van je beleggingen. Het enige doel is om de mechanismen van je belegging gedurende de beleggingsperiode te illustreren. De prestaties van je belegging kunnen afwijken van de getoonde resultaten, zowel naar boven als naar beneden.


Rwanda - Invest in the energy transition in France and worldwide

Citizen crowdfunding for the Rwakalé hydroelectric power station

Groupe Hydronéo, a French company affiliated to Hydroneo, is committed to developing, building and operating renewable energy projects around the world. Today, it is offering citizens the chance to help finance the Rwakalé hydroelectric power station in Rwanda.

Located to the north of Kigali (the capital of Rwanda), the 334 kW hydroelectric power station has now been built and should be commissioned in the coming weeks. This fundraising is intended to refinance the equity invested by the Hydronéo Group, which has increased the total cost of this investment to 100%.

Once commissioned, the facility will produce around 1,950,000 kWh of green electricity a year, equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of almost 25,000 people*. This decarbonised production of energy - as opposed to fossil fuels - will help to protect the environment by avoiding the release into the atmosphere of more than 1,923 tonnes of CO2** each year.

Hydronéo Group - Rwakalé hydroelectric power station


Why invest?

Investing part of your savings in the energy transition

Through this fundraising campaign, Groupe Hydronéo wants to involve citizens in the energy transition of all regions in France and around the world, by offering to invest part of their savings in the Rwakalé hydroelectric power station.

By allowing citizens to participate in this project, Groupe Hydronéo intends to enable everyone to take part in the deployment of hydroelectricity throughout the world, so that the economic spin-offs from the exploitation of a common natural resource, water, benefit as many people as possible, directly and indirectly.

It's also an opportunity for every member of the public to find out more and get involved at their own level in the development of renewable energies, by contributing directly and collectively to the success of the energy transition in Europe and beyond, because the ambition and the stakes are global.

Contribute directly and collectively to the success of the project

Through its Rwandan project company, which owns the Rwakalé hydroelectric power station, Groupe Hydronéo now wishes to issue simple bonds to residents, for a total amount of €1,000,000.

The construction of the hydroelectric plant requires a total investment of € 2,730,000 For 1,000 € invested, you contribute to the production of about 1,500 kWh per year, the equivalent of 67% of your annual electricity needs.


Our analysis

Benefits, risks and costs

Firstly, the funds raised will only be paid to the project leader once the plant has been commissioned. This suspensive clause was agreed with Hydronéo in the discussions leading up to the fund-raising.

You will find below details of all the risks associated with the project, as well as the associated control procedures:


Risk of construction delays or even failure to complete the work

➔ Construction of the power station is complete. It will be commissioned in the coming weeks.



Risk of malfunction linked to the use of poorly controlled technologies, risk of plant availability

➔ Mature technology recognised for its reliability.

➔ Quality equipment.



Risk of default by the counterparty on the purchase of the electricity

➔ 25-year purchase contract signed with the Rwandan energy operator.



Risk of currency devaluation

➔ Electricity will be purchased in US dollars, so currency risk is limited to changes in the US dollar against the euro.



Rwanda - Contribute to local renewable energy production

A hydroelectric power station already built in Rwanda

The project is located on the Mwange river, in the Gicumbi district, in the northern province of Rwanda. The district, whose capital is Byumba, lies to the north of Kigali and is crossed by the main road from Kigali to Kampala.

The two sketches below illustrate the general layout of the Rwakalé hydroelectric power station:

The dam is 2 metres high above the concrete slab and has an 8-metre spillway with a trapezoidal masonry profile.

The main elevations and the route of the channel are governed by topographical conditions and by the results of analyses of hydraulic transients during sudden start-up and shutdown of the units. Pressure oscillations in the watercourses will be regulated by a bunker placed on the platform above the power station. The front platform is an open structure designed to withstand the maximum rise in water level during the sudden shutdown of units operating at full load, and to maintain a sufficient height of water at the penstock inlet to prevent air from entering the penstock.

This structure will be combined with a two-channel desiccant system to avoid a high sediment load that could damage the steel penstock and turbine.

The main purpose of the power station is to house equipment in terms of turbines, generators and auxiliary equipment. The layout of the power station allows for easy installation of equipment as well as access for inspection and maintenance of the turbines and other equipment.


Photographs of the project at each stage

1. A corridor diverts part of the Mwange River, while the rest flows naturally through the waterfall.

2. The canal carries the diverted water for 865 metres to the "forebay" and the entrance to the penstock.

3. The penstock transports the water with as little pressure loss as possible, and feeds the turbine located downstream. There is a height difference of 195 metres between the inlet and outlet of the penstock, and the pressure increases by 1 bar every 10 metres.


4. This shows the penstock that leads to the hydroelectric power station downstream.

5. Water arrives through the light blue and navy blue penstocks. The pressure built up in the penstock feeds the Francis turbine, which is composed of a spiral. The water is then released through the pipe at the centre of the spiral.

6. After use, the water is discharged through a pipe (to the left of the hydroelectric power station in image 1). The water joins the river Mwange downstream.


The Water Abstraction Permit, issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources, has been obtained. It has been granted for a renewable period of 15 years, to match the duration of the power purchase agreement, which is 25 years. The electricity will be bought back by EUCL (Energy Utility Corporaton Limited), at a feed-in tariff that will therefore be secure for the duration of the contract. The instream flow, i.e. the flow that will be diverted, corresponds to 15% of the average flow.

Groupe Hydronéo - Average monthly river flow (m3/second)

Local, environmentally-friendly energy

This micro-hydro project will also contribute to the socio-economic development of the neighbouring community in which it will be located, through job creation and the availability of a sustainable energy supply in the region.

Groupe Hydronéo - Natural waterfall on the Mwange River, near the Rwakalé power station


Why generate electricity locally?


In France, because of the hyper-centralisation of electricity production, we are obliged to transport electricity over great distances. By the simple Joule effect*, this transport causes what are known as line losses. In total, they amount to more than 11,500,000,000 kWh per year. That's the equivalent of 35% of the total electricity consumption of the city of Lyon, which is lost every year! On, the projects are part of a decentralised approach to electricity production, so that it is produced locally, as close as possible to where it is consumed.

*When an electric current is passed through a conductive material, it opposes a certain resistance to the current flowing through it, causing its internal temperature to rise. Some of the electrical energy transported is then dissipated in the form of thermal energy; this is known as the Joule effect. This effect is sometimes used to produce heat - electric radiators, water heaters, toasters, etc.

Groupe Hydronéo - Visit to the Rwakalé power plant


Energy equivalents

*electricity consumption per inhabitant in Rwanda: 78 kWh (source: World Bank)
**CO2 emissions produced by a coal-fired power station: 0.986 tonnes per MWh (source: RTE)

Développer les énergies renouvelables en Afrique

Le Groupe HYDRONEO développe, finance, construit et exploite des petites et moyennes centrales d'énergies renouvelables. En tant qu'entreprise industrielle entièrement intégrée, ils sont impliqués dans chaque étape de la chaîne de valeur d'un projet.

Leur expertise dans les diverses phases d'un projet s'adapte constamment aux spécificités locales: identification du site, design technique, responsabilité sociale et environnementale, financement, construction, exploitation et maintenance.


Expertise Ingénierie & Etudes


L'équipe technique est composée d'ingénieurs hautement qualifiés et expérimentés avec différentes spécialisations (Hydraulique, Electrique, Mécanique, Construction, et Environnement) afin de mener à bien :

- Les études techniques
- L'identification du site (examens préalables de bassins hydrauliques, repérage in-situ…)
- Les études sur place (Hydrologie, Geotech, Topographie…)
- L'étude de pré faisabilité, l'étude de faisabilité et les designs
- Les partenaires techniques incluent : Dams & Grids, Tractebel, ISL ...

Expertise Financière


Durant la phase de développement, chaque projet est géré grâce à un modèle financier qui doit rester viable. L'équipe Hydroneo sera responsable de la structuration du financement de projet (Capital,  dette Junior et Senior , Subvention).

Pour cela, elle peut compter sur un vaste réseau d'investisseurs de différents types (family offices, fonds privés de capitaux, .....), des banques internationales de développement (DFIs), des banques locales ou des donneurs (GIZ, SCAF, SEFA, .. .)

Notre principal conseiller financier, Finergreen, est également impliqué à chaque étape du développement, afin de garantir la viabilité de nos modèles financiers, et de faciliter les interactions avec les différentes institutions financières impliquées.

Expertise Légale & Administrative


Nous nous appuyons sur des équipes locales bien établies afin de gérer les permis, les autorisations et les contrats, notamment :

<- Le MOU de l'autorité locale
- Contrat de rachat de l'électricité (PPA)
- Acquisition foncière
- Aspects légaux de la SPV (JVA, SHA, création de la SPV , etc.)

Nos équipes sont soutenues par des cabinets légaux internationaux et locaux, notamment Norton Rose Fulbright, Bowmans, ALN, etc.

Expertise Construction & E&M


La construction est une étape clé pour Hydroneo, qui est également un exploitant, et doit ainsi s'assurer que ses projets sont construits pour durer. Nous fournissons tous les services EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction), du design à la mise en service de la centrale.

- Management de l'EPC et de l'E&M
- Management de la construction
- Mise en place d'un plan de management social et environnemental
- Exploitation & Maintenance 

Des experts E&S sont aussi impliqués au début du processus de développement afin d'assurer le respect de nos hautes exigences avec les standards ERM, IBIS, etc.


En savoir plus sur le Groupe Hydronéo

Le mot de l'analyste

Hydroneo, via DNG industrie, émet des obligations simples afin de refinancer les fonds propres investis pour la construction d’une centrale hydroélectrique au Rwanda. Hydroneo, spécialisée dans l’énergie hydroélectrique depuis bientôt 10 ans, développe ses projets sur le continent africain.

Le point fort

Structuration de l’opération sur DNG industrie avec nantissement de 50% de ces titres. Une condition suspensive sécurise également l’opération dans le sens où les fonds collectés ne pourront être transmis à DNG qu’à la suite de la mise en service de la centrale.


Comment Enerfip sélectionne et analyse les projets ?


Gereserveerde toegang

Toegang tot financiële gegevens wordt gereguleerd door de Autorité des Marchés Financiers. Voor toegang tot analysegegevens

Quelques images de la centrale hydroélectrique de Rwakalé



Als ik had geïnvesteerd


Rwakalé - Obligation 7%/jaar over 5 jaren
Simulatie - Tarief: 7% / jaar op 5 ans

Initiële investering :

€ 1.000

Aflossingen en rente :

€ 1.284,73

In 5 termijnen

15-07-2023€ 70€ 86,95€ 156,95
15-07-2024€ 63,91€ 93,03€ 156,94
15-07-2025€ 57,4€ 99,54€ 156,94
15-07-2026€ 50,43€ 106,51€ 156,94
15-07-2027€ 42,99€ 613,97€ 656,96
Totaal€ 284,73€ 1.000€ 1.284,73

De gepresenteerde resultaten zijn geen voorspelling van de toekomstige prestaties van je beleggingen. Het enige doel is om de mechanismen van je belegging gedurende de beleggingsperiode te illustreren. De prestaties van je belegging kunnen afwijken van de getoonde resultaten, zowel naar boven als naar beneden.

Le porteur de projet en quelques chiffres

Une société française

basée à ***

Créée en


Chiffre d'affaires

*** Millions d'€ en 2023

Une équipe de *** personnes

à ***

Portefeuille de projets

*** MW en exploitation/construction

*** MW en instruction

*** MW en développement

Chiffres clés du projet

Production annuelle

1 950 MWh

Puissance installée

334 kW

Investissement total

2,73 Millions d'€

Équivalence de consommation électrique

871 personnes

Dimensions du projet

1 centrale hydroélectrique

Émissions de CO2 évitées

1 923 tonnes