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Opération Meth’Enclaves- Bio-energie investering

Finance the construction of a biogas plant in Gardères!

  Collectie compleet

------- Verzameld

€ 700.000 Plafond

100% Verzameld

€ 700.000 Doel

Als ik had geïnvesteerd


Opération Meth’Enclaves - Obligation 8,5%/jaar over 5 jaren
Simulatie - Tarief: 8,5% / jaar op 5 ans

Initiële investering :

€ 1.000

Aflossingen en rente :

€ 1.239,54

In 6 termijnen

09-08-2024€ 39,46€ 494€ 533,46
04-04-2025€ 28,04€ 0€ 28,04
04-04-2026€ 43,01€ 0€ 43,01
04-04-2027€ 43,01€ 0€ 43,01
04-04-2028€ 43,01€ 0€ 43,01
04-04-2029€ 43,01€ 506€ 549,01
Totaal€ 239,54€ 1.000€ 1.239,54

De gepresenteerde resultaten zijn geen voorspelling van de toekomstige prestaties van je beleggingen. Het enige doel is om de mechanismen van je belegging gedurende de beleggingsperiode te illustreren. De prestaties van je belegging kunnen afwijken van de getoonde resultaten, zowel naar boven als naar beneden.

  • Financiële titelEenvoudige obligaties 
  • Vaste rente8,5%/jaar  
  • Lening looptijd5 jaren 
  • BelastingenFrankrijk 
  • Minimale investering€ 10 
  • Opgehaald bedrag€ 700.000 
  • Waarde per eenheid€ 10 
  • Vergoedingtot slot
  • Betaling van renteop jaarbasis
  • Rangschikking van aandelenfinancieringJunior
  • Deelnemers220 eco-savers
Wie zou kunnen investeren?
Van donderdag 14 maart 2024 tot 12h30
  • Investering open voor iedereen
T/m donderdag 11 april 2024 tot 23h59

Einde collectie

Als ik had geïnvesteerd


Opération Meth’Enclaves - Obligation 8,5%/jaar over 5 jaren
Simulatie - Tarief: 8,5% / jaar op 5 ans

Initiële investering :

€ 1.000

Aflossingen en rente :

€ 1.239,54

In 6 termijnen

09-08-2024€ 39,46€ 494€ 533,46
04-04-2025€ 28,04€ 0€ 28,04
04-04-2026€ 43,01€ 0€ 43,01
04-04-2027€ 43,01€ 0€ 43,01
04-04-2028€ 43,01€ 0€ 43,01
04-04-2029€ 43,01€ 506€ 549,01
Totaal€ 239,54€ 1.000€ 1.239,54

De gepresenteerde resultaten zijn geen voorspelling van de toekomstige prestaties van je beleggingen. Het enige doel is om de mechanismen van je belegging gedurende de beleggingsperiode te illustreren. De prestaties van je belegging kunnen afwijken van de getoonde resultaten, zowel naar boven als naar beneden.

Investeren in dit equity crowdfunding project brengt risico’s met zich mee, waaronder het risico van geheel of gedeeltelijk verlies van het geïnvesteerde kapitaal. Je investering wordt niet gedekt door de depositogarantiestelsels die zijn ingesteld in overeenstemming met richtlijn 2014/49/EU van het Europees Parlement en de Raad]( Je belegging valt ook niet onder de beleggerscompensatiestelsels ingesteld in overeenstemming met Richtlijn 97/9/EG van het Europees Parlement en de Raad. Rendement op je investering is niet gegarandeerd. Dit is geen spaarproduct en we adviseren je om niet meer dan 10% van je nettovermogen te beleggen in crowdfundingprojecten. Het is mogelijk dat je de beleggingsinstrumenten niet kunt verkopen wanneer je wilt. Als je ze wel kunt verkopen, kun je nog steeds verlies lijden.

De hoofdzaken

Finance the construction of a biogas plant in Gardères!

The methanisation project of the SAS Meth’Enclaves is led by René Marquis, grain operator in the commune of Gardères and Michel Cazassus-Lamazou, breeder in the neighboring commune of Nousty. The farms and the future biogas plant are located in the Occitanie region, in the Hautes-Pyrénées department (65) 30min from Tarbes (see map below).

These two holdings represent a total UAA (utilized agricultural area) of 256 ha, in cereal crops and grassland.

The project leaders wish to set up a methanisation unit in injection on a natural gas network in order to recover a large quantity of slurry, manure and CIVES (Intermediate Culture Energy Vocation) from 2 farms.

Once commissioned, this biogas plant will process 10,944 tonnes of inputs annually to produce 101 Nm3/h of biomethane that will be injected into the GRDF network, equivalent to the consumption of approximately 1,100 average gas-equipped households. The plant is scalable and will be able to inject up to 165 Nm3/h of biomethane in the future.

Location of the commune where the name Meth'Enclaves

Location of the commune where the name Meth'Enclaves© Meth’Enclaves

Het aanbod

Why invest?

This fundraising will aim to provide the company with the equity necessary to secure a bank loan and the construction of this methanisation unit. ** The total investment required for the construction represents more than **€7 million. So far, 6.2% have already been contributed in equity, more than €510,000.

This operation also allows citizens to take concrete action in favor of the energy transition of their territory and to participate in green growth.

By allowing everyone to participate in this project, Mr. Marquis and Mr. Cazassus-Lamazou intend to redistribute part of the wealth generated by their farms and thus make it possible to recover their livestock effluents (manure/slurry), their plant cover and grassland grass produced on their farms.

This is the opportunity for every inhabitant. e to be informed and to invest in the development of renewable energies, contributing collectively and directly to the success of the energy transition in France.

Valued at $850 billion in 2018, the global renewable energy market is expanding and is expected to reach $1.348 trillion in 2025 with an average annual growth rate of 6% between 2018 and 2025.


Hautes-Pyrénées - Contribute to local biomethane production

Developing the region's organic matter in a sustainable way

All the materials used will come directly from the farms, harvested within a radius of less than 15 km from the biogas plant. The plant will process 110 hectares of intermediate crops, without competing with human food. The biogas plant will produce biogas while retaining the same properties, but will also be used to produce organic fertiliser for the soil.

The breakdown of inputs is shown below:

illustration Opération Meth’Enclaves


Choice of site

The choice of location is based on a number of criteria:

– Close to our corn drying plant

– Central position in relation to our farmland

– Services and road access

– Accessibility of the gas pipe

– Available land and compliance with planning regulations

We chose a 3-hectare plot of farmland in the commune of Gardères, at a place called "Goua". The site is around 700m to the north-east of the village of Gardères and is bordered by the RD47 departmental road, with access to the gas pipeline. Our agricultural activities are located on site and within a radius of less than 15 km of the site. Meth'Enclaves will be located in the heart of areas that will benefit from the organic fertiliser we produce.


Operating diagram of the methanisation unit

illustration Opération Meth’Enclaves

For more information on the project, please read "Our Analysis" or go directly to the Méth'enclaves website, accessible via the link below:




Our analysis

Benefits, risks and costs

You will find below details of all the risks associated with the project, as well as the associated control procedures:


Risk of construction delays or even failure to complete the work

➔ The selected builder's team (Planet Biogaz) has significant know-how and experience in carrying out this type of project.

➔ An in-depth analysis of forecast costs was carried out by the company and did not highlight any areas for attention.

➔ A contingency reserve has been set aside to deal with unforeseen circumstances or cost increases.



Risk of poor project operation, faulty workmanship or machine breakdown resulting in poor performance

Technological risk that the system will not perform as expected, or that performance will deteriorate more quickly than expected

➔ The project developer has selected quality equipment from recognised suppliers.

➔ Negotiated maintenance contracts include a performance guarantee.



Risk that the cash flows generated by the project will not be sufficient to service the bonds issued by Enerfip's investor base.

➔ The business plan forecasts significant cash flows over the life of the bonds.

➔ Cash available for debt servicing is satisfactory over the life of the bonds.


Sustainable investment

Objective: decarbonisation!

Combining profitable and responsible investment

Enerfip, the first investment platform dedicated to the energy transition in France and Europe, has set itself the mission of decarbonising public savings. Our aim? To enable you to help finance a more sustainable energy model.

At a time when we are working to reduce our carbon footprint, we need to realise that savings are our biggest source of CO2 emissions, and that the money we invest has a real impact on tomorrow's world. We are convinced that we can - that we must - make this impact positive. That's why we offer you the chance to combine profitable and responsible investment by directly financing concrete projects that contribute to the ecological transition, while benefiting from the economic spin-offs generated by the exploitation of shared natural resources.

With €275 million of energy transition projects financed, Enerfip has established itself as the French and European leader in eco-responsible investment. Founded in 2014 by renewable energy and finance experts, Enerfip is driven by a team whose expertise, commitment and energy are inseparable from its success. Now booming, in September 2022 we launched a subsidiary in Spain 🇪🇸... and we have no plans to stop there!

illustration Opération Meth’Enclaves

"Enerfip is a solution for channelling public savings into projects that promote the ecological transition. We are deeply convinced that each and every one of us, at our own level, can regain control over the future of our investments and choose what we want to finance. We are fully capable of influencing energy policies and providing tangible support for a dynamic ecological transition."


Julien Hostache, Chairman & Co-founder


Gereserveerde toegang

Toegang tot financiële gegevens wordt gereguleerd door de Autorité des Marchés Financiers. Voor toegang tot analysegegevens


Als ik had geïnvesteerd


Opération Meth’Enclaves - Obligation 8,5%/jaar over 5 jaren
Simulatie - Tarief: 8,5% / jaar op 5 ans

Initiële investering :

€ 1.000

Aflossingen en rente :

€ 1.239,54

In 6 termijnen

09-08-2024€ 39,46€ 494€ 533,46
04-04-2025€ 28,04€ 0€ 28,04
04-04-2026€ 43,01€ 0€ 43,01
04-04-2027€ 43,01€ 0€ 43,01
04-04-2028€ 43,01€ 0€ 43,01
04-04-2029€ 43,01€ 506€ 549,01
Totaal€ 239,54€ 1.000€ 1.239,54

De gepresenteerde resultaten zijn geen voorspelling van de toekomstige prestaties van je beleggingen. Het enige doel is om de mechanismen van je belegging gedurende de beleggingsperiode te illustreren. De prestaties van je belegging kunnen afwijken van de getoonde resultaten, zowel naar boven als naar beneden.

Le porteur de projet en quelques chiffres

Une société française

basée à Gardères (65)

Créée en


Composée de 

5 agriculteurs

100 m3/h de gaz vert produit

soit l'équivalent de la consommation annuel de 1 700 personnes

250 hectares 

de terre fertilisées par an
